A man with glasses and a beard is working intently on a laptop surrounded by a chaotic mix of notes, papers, and abstract elements.

Unveiling the Ghosts of Tech: A Framework to Identify and Navigate Cargo Cults

Cargo cult behavior is a perilous pitfall in the tech industry. It’s when an organization tries to copy the success of others without understanding the underlying concepts. This can lead to disillusionment, stagnation, and a loss of faith in leadership. It’s important to identify cargo cults in tech by evaluating whether a trend or tool has been implemented in letter or spirit. In my post I describe a framework that will help to spot this kind of dysfunctional behavior in your organization.

Four adventurers walking on a worn, elevated path towards a massive, futuristic structure in a misty, mountainous landscape.

The Great Team Topologies Adventure: Charting a Path to Organizational Success

In the ever-changing landscape of technology and business, organizations face immense challenges to stay competitive and innovative. As businesses continue to expand and evolve, the need for effective team organization becomes a critical factor in determining success. Enter Team Topologies, a guiding map that helps organizations navigate through the complexities of modern team structures, communication styles, and organizational design.