A red, humanoid robot kneeling and leaning forward with its head bowed, surrounded by disassembled parts and wires.

Am I the only one experiencing Gen AI fatigue?

Though Gen AI tools have been exciting in recent years, there has been a growing sense of exhaustion about them. According to Oguz Acar in Harvard Business Review, generative AI may already have reached its peak. Even though generative AI has had great success in the past, there are still so many structural issues to fix. In the current climate of FOMO, overheated discussions about generative AI are fueling a lot of projects. Stop the hype.

Colorful illustration of businesspeople in suits, with one character having the head of a zebra.

Seeing Stripes? How to Tame the Cargo Cults in Your Tech Herd

Ever discovered painted horses masquerading as zebras in your tech landscape? My last post helped you spot these instances of cargo cults in tech – the adoption of innovations and trends without truly understanding the principles behind. This time, we’re focusing on the next crucial step: dismantling these misguided initiatives. In ‘Seeing Stripes? How to Tame the Cargo Cults in Your Tech Herd’, I share strategies to revert the influence of these ‘painted horses’ and foster an environment that breeds true zebras.

Illustration of a frustrated man in a tie and vest sitting at a desk with his hands on his face, with a messy colorful background.

Dispelling the Universal Need for a Cloud Center of Excellence: When Your Organization Might Fare Better Without One

An increasingly popular choice for companies just getting started in the cloud is the Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE). Although a CCoE may be a useful resource for many companies as they make their way into the cloud, this is not always the case.
Before deciding whether a CCoE is the best option, each company must take a hard look at its own requirements, strengths, and long-term objectives. This post explores some indicators that setting up a CCoE might not be the perfect match for you.

A rustic outdoor office setup surrounded by tall seagrass and wooden furniture, with computers and chairs inside, under a canopy with warm, soft lighting.

The Cloud Center of Excellence: A Modern Cargo Cult or Catalyst for Cloud Success?

The Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) has become a must-have for organizations, but is it driven by the real need or a consultant-driven fad? To reap the benefits of the cloud, it is important to have a solid IT and cloud strategy first. A CCoE must be tailored to the organization’s specific requirements, goals, and context, not a generic one-size-fits-all solution. Strategic thinking before embarking on a CCoE journey is essential to unlock the full potential of the cloud and avoid the pitfalls of the cargo cult mentality

Two men in suits standing inside a futuristic, circular structure, facing each other with a bright, cloudy sky in the background.

Redefining the Battlefield: Conquering the Business-IT Divide

In today’s fast-paced business world, bridging the gap between business and IT is crucial for achieving success. Business professionals are more tech-savvy than ever, but conflicts often arise from rigid and bureaucratic IT environments. To overcome this divide, organizations must foster a shared understanding of value streams, streamline work processes, create feedback loops, build enduring cross-functional teams, and reconsider the outsourcing of critical IT systems management.

Will AI turn labor markets into rockstar markets?

As AI systems like GPT-4 and Midjourney continue to advance, they are taking over tasks traditionally done by junior employees, potentially reducing entry-level roles and the pool of people available to develop into masters of their craft. This shift may lead to a smaller number of highly sought-after experts and a rise in interdisciplinary skills, adaptability, and critical thinking.