Guides & Tutorials Simple Hosting of Static Web Content on Oracle Cloud OCI Max Jahn, July 31, 2020November 12, 2023 Sometimes you just want to get a simple, static website up and running without much hassle. Be it the microsite to tell about your latest achievements or some error page explaining why your whole production site went down. So it’s about firing up your favourite editor, write some html and… Continue Reading
Cloud Fun with Functions – OCI Serverless Part 1: Environment Setup Max Jahn, July 27, 2020November 12, 2023 I’ve been pretty busy lately, doing certifications for OCI and Azure and having to deal with daily business, so there was no post on this blog for quite some time. As you might have guessed, i had as well spent some time digging into the Oracle serverless offering which is… Continue Reading
Cloud Runtime version problems when building fnproject functions? Just roll your own images then. Max Jahn, July 24, 2020November 12, 2023 When playing around with Oracle Functions and fnproject i pretty soon encountered some build problems for my function written in Go. It simply didn’t play well with some newer Go modules i was using. To understand what was happening here, you need to understand how serverless functions in fnproject are… Continue Reading